Poll results
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This is a test. What is your favorite color?
Red 17 %
Green 17 %
Blue 33 %
Other 33 %

Do you favor the funding process for MAPS for KIDS (largely through a temporary Sales Tax increase)? Don't forget to vote Tuesday November 13th.
Yes 69 %
No 31 %

Should a City Subsidize a Private Business Venture?
Yes 0 %
No 100 %

The Press - Are Public figures entitled to Private lives?
Yes 0 %
No 65 %

Should Oklahoma have a State Lottery?
Yes 60 %
No 40 %

Should we eliminate the Individual State Income Tax and State Sales Tax on Groceries and replace them with a tax on services?
Yes 53 %
No 47 %

Should a regional Political Action Committee seek to defeat candidates outside its region?
Yes 25 %
No 75 %

Will increasing taxes reduce smoking?
Yes 33 %
No 67 %

Do you agree that Americans are more accepting of Muslims since September 11, 2001?
Yes 50 %
No 50 %

Are you satisfied with the protection efforts of the government to prevent further terrorism?
Yes 33 %
No 67 %

Who do you believe was most at fault in Enron's downfall?..
Mr. Lay 8 %
Mr. Lay's Executives 50 %
The Accountants 17 %
The Lawyers 17 %
The Stockbrokers 8 %

Please send us your comments, pro or con, about the proposed Moment of Silence, and prayer in school.

Do you believe legislation is needed to protect Oklahomans from Predatory Lending?
Yes 60 %
No 40 %

Should the mentally disabled be exempt from the death penalty?
Yes 70 %
No 30 %

Do we have too much litigation?
Yes 71 %
No 29 %

Do you agree with the purpose of Title IX that schools must spend equal money (in proportion to student population) for men's and women's sports?
Yes 31 %
No 69 %

Do you believe it is appropriate for the PAC to make contributions to support regional interests?
Yes 36 %
No 64 %

Who won the debate?