"The Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs" was first aired on Sunday July 7th 2019. Our Guests were Josh West, Representative, Oklahoma House of Representaties; and Lisa Mussett, Women Veterans Coordinator . and Josh West, Representative, Oklahoma House of Representaties; and Lisa Mussett, Women Veterans Coordinator .. Show No. 946 Watch on YouTube Our topics included:- Josh and Lisa's involvement in Veteran?s activities
- Lisa, discusses women veterans and the Veteran?s Registry
- Josh, discusses his activities in the Legislature with new income tax and the SAA transition
- Josh, discusses his activities with Sallisaw and Ardmore and the inclusion of the National Guard in the Registry.
- Lisa, discusses Women?s Veteran?s Registry and emergency grants
- Josh, discusses the new Veteran?s Guardianship Provision and the Oklahoma Veteran?s Caucus
- Lisa, discusses emergency grants and women?s roll call
- Josh, discusses which of these categories we are a top 10 state in
- Lisa, discusses future events for women veterans in Oklahoma
Josh West, Lisa Mussett, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers