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"Child Abuse" was first aired on Sunday June 2nd 2019. Our Guest was Michael A. Baxter, D.O., Medical Director of Child Abuse Pediatrics Clinic at OU-TU School of Community Medicine. Show No. 941

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Our topics included:
  1. Talk about your background and how you came to have a career in medicine.
  2. I know you are familiar with the ?Team for Children at Risk Program?, please tell us what that is and why you have it.
  3. How prevalent is child abuse in Oklahoma and why?
  4. What are the various forms of abuse and neglect?
  5. What are the signs of abuse and neglect what to do about it if you suspect that it happened?
  6. How do you treat these cases in Oklahoma City and Tulsa?

Michael Baxter, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers