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"The OKC Trolley Returns" was first aired on Sunday December 9th 2018. Our Guest was Jason Ferbrache, Administrator, Director of Public Transportation & Parking, Central Oklahoma Parking and Transit Authority. Show No. 916

Our topics included:
  1. Where she grew up in Oklahoma
  2. How long he has been at the City of OKC
  3. Positions he has you held
  4. How he got over to transportation as a specialty
  5. Discuss the return of the streetcars to OKC
  6. How it makes sense
  7. Primary purpose ? whom is it we are trying to transport
  8. Routes
  9. Running hours of the streetcars and the cost
  10. Discuss the investment cost of putting in the streetcars and the tracks and lines
  11. Expected profit/loss
  12. When operation to begin
  13. What the citizens of Oklahoma City can do to make this work more smoothly