"Representation in Court of the Abused and Deprived Child - Show II - The Story Continues" was first aired on Sunday December 22nd 2002. Our Guests were The Honorable Roger H. Stuart, Special District Judge, Juvenile Division, Lola Hall, CASA and Don R. Nicholson II, Oklahoma Lawyers for Children. Our topics included:- Final show in a three-part series on abused and deprived children in Oklahoma
- A look at the impact volunteers are making in the system which is overloaded
- What is the Court Appointed Special Advocate program and what is its purpose and whether or not you have to be a lawyer
- Why there is a need for CASA and what they do in Oklahoma County and around the State
- Number of CASA's in Oklahoma County
- How one becomes a CASA and what training is involved
- What is Oklahoma Lawyers for Children and what is its role
- The mission of Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
- When the program was started and how it has grown
- Do you have to be a lawyer to be a volunteer for Oklahoma Lawyers for Children?
- The need for more volunteers
Judge Stuart, Kent Meyers, Don Nicholson, Mick Cornett, Lola Hall