"Oklahoma Lawyers for Children: An Update" was first aired on Sunday September 27th 2015. Our Guests were Tsinena Thompson, President, Oklahoma Lawyers for Children and Alisa Shaddix White, Attorney, Middleton, Nowakowski & Smith. Our topics included:- Alisa, how and why she got involved with Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
- Her principal duties as Chairman of the Board of the organization
- Tsinena, how she got involved and why she chose to become the President and CEO of Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
- Her principal duties as President and CEO of the organization
- Principal projects the organization is involved in now
- Number of volunteers and children they are representing at Oklahoma Lawyers for Children
- Cases handled outside of Oklahoma County
- What's on the horizon as new projects just getting started or about to commence
- What viewers can do to assist Oklahoma Lawyers for Children to carry out its mission
Tsinena Thompson, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Alisa White