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"Meet the New Publisher of the Journal Record" was first aired on Sunday December 14th 2014. Our Guest was Joni Brooks, President and Publisher, The Journal Record.

Our topics included:
  1. How she is transitioning into her new position with the Journal Record.
  2. How she likes the Oklahoma City/Tulsa community insofar as the newspaper business is concerned.
  3. Discuss the competitive niche the Journal Record has and is it useful.
  4. Circulation of the Journal Record, increasing, decreasing or staying about the same.
  5. What can be done to increase circulation and therefore advertising revenue at the paper.
  6. Staff size in Oklahoma City and Tulsa.
  7. With regard to subscriptions, is readership larger in Oklahoma City or in Tulsa.
  8. How she determines areas of emphasis the paper is going to pursue in order for it to continue to be something folks like to pick up and read every day.
  9. Biggest challenges facing a newspaper such as the Journal Record in the near future and how she intends to deal with it.