"Native American Update: 2014" was first aired on Sunday July 27th 2014. Our Guest was D. Michael McBride, III, Attorney, Crowe & Dunlevy. Our topics included:- His role as a tribal judge and justice for the Kaw Nation and the Pawnee Nation for 16 years.
- What he does as Attorney General and General Counsel for Seminole Nation and the Sac and Fox Nation.
- Tribal governments their powers.
- Indian tribal government in Oklahoma and how that came about.
- Lingering race issues such as confederate vs. union support by tribal governments.
- Rise of Indian gaming in the 1980's to date.
- His take on the Washington Redskins' trademark issues.
- Comanche Nation Indian Agency Cemetery at Ft. Sill.
- Economic development and diversification – i.e. with the Comanche Nation.
- Various cooperative agreements with tribes and other entities.
Mike McBride, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers