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"Native American Update: 2014" was first aired on Sunday July 27th 2014. Our Guest was D. Michael McBride, III, Attorney, Crowe & Dunlevy.

Our topics included:
  1. His role as a tribal judge and justice for the Kaw Nation and the Pawnee Nation for 16 years.
  2. What he does as Attorney General and General Counsel for Seminole Nation and the Sac and Fox Nation.
  3. Tribal governments their powers.
  4. Indian tribal government in Oklahoma and how that came about.
  5. Lingering race issues such as confederate vs. union support by tribal governments.
  6. Rise of Indian gaming in the 1980's to date.
  7. His take on the Washington Redskins' trademark issues.
  8. Comanche Nation Indian Agency Cemetery at Ft. Sill.
  9. Economic development and diversification – i.e. with the Comanche Nation.
  10. Various cooperative agreements with tribes and other entities.

Mike McBride, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers