"The Future of Community Banking in Oklahoma" was first aired on Sunday March 23rd 2014. Our Guest was John F. Meyers, Oklahoma City Market President, RCB Bank. Our topics included:- How one defines Community Bank.
- RCB Bank, a community bank.
- Challenges facing community banks and how banks are categorized that are competitors but not strictly community banks.
- Status of the community bank market place, shrinking or getting larger.
- Impact, if any, that has on the convenience of the customers having access to the bank.
- Should we be concerned about a consolidation in community banks so there are fewer competitors.
- What basis community banks can compete effectively with larger banks.
- What caused him to be drawn to the banking community as a lifetime effort.
- Did he ever envision coming back to his hometown to be a banker.
- Advice for listeners who may want to enter the banking profession.
 John Meyers, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers