"Professional Baseball in Tulsa" was first aired on Sunday May 19th 2013. Our Guest was Mike Melega, General Manager, Tulsa Drillers. Our topics included:- He's been with the Tulsa Drillers since 1994, how he came to be associated with the Drillers.
- As General Manager, aside from being responsible for everything, specific things he concentrates
- State of minor league professional baseball in the United States today.
- How the City of Tulsa receives the Drillers and is he getting good community support
- Major source of the players that make up the Drillers' roster
- New ballpark
- Major features he would like to tell the viewers about that have not had a chance to view a ballgame at the ballpark
- Roster this year, players we should keep our eyes on
- Upcoming promotions
- How viewers can get season or event tickets for games