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"Meet Tulsa's Man of the Year" was first aired on Sunday May 12th 2013. Our Guest was Phil Lakin, Jr., CEO, Tulsa Community Foundation.

Our topics included:
  1. His activities at the Tulsa Community Foundation.
  2. Congratulations on being member of the Tulsa City Commission.
  3. How he is able to balance the activities with the Commission as well as his fulltime work with the Community Foundation.
  4. What prompted him to run for Tulsa City Commission.
  5. Congratulations on being named as Tulsa's Man of the Year for 2012-13.
  6. What he sees as Tulsa's major challenges in the near term.
  7. What he would like to see happen in Tulsa in the next 5 years that isn't on the drawing board yet.
  8. What motivated him to become involved with the Tulsa Community Foundation.
  9. Programs of the Tulsa Community Foundation.