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"The Oklahoma Justice Commission Report" was first aired on Sunday April 7th 2013. Our Guests were Drew Edmondson, Chairman of the Justice Commission and Bill Citty, Chief of Police, Oklahoma City Police Department.

Our topics included:
  1. The formation of the Justice Commission.
  2. Why it was important to be created and its mission(s).
  3. Membership of the Commission - who the members were and how they were chosen.
  4. What they hope/expect will be the reception of the Courts, the Bar and the Legislature to their recommendations.
  5. 5 major components of the Report:
  6. False Confessions, including interrogation protocols and electronic recording laws.
  7. Eyewitness identification – their recommendations on this and why.
  8. Forensic evidence, including DNA access laws and preservation of that evidence - How the pre-conviction and post-conviction recommendations vary.
  9. Change in the law or procedures regarding information, misconduct, competency of counsel and jury instructions.
  10. Jailhouse information testimony.
  11. The participants in the process.
  12. Victim family rights, including compensation for victims and the wrongfully convicted.
  13. The reaction so far to the Commission Report.
  14. How viewers can get a copy of the Report.

Drew Edmondson, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Bill Citty