"A Look at the Next Legislative Session" was first aired on Sunday December 30th 2012. Our Guest was Jim Dunlap, Chairman of Government Affairs Committee, The State Chamber of Oklahoma. Our topics included:- The State Chamber of Commerce and its mission.
- How it differs from the Oklahoma City or Tulsa Chambers.
- His relationship with the State Chamber.
- Other representatives of the State Chamber that will be communicating with members of the Legislature after this session begins and they coordinate their message(s).
- What he envisions to be the three or four major issues facing the Legislature this session.
- How he envisions working with Speaker Shannon and Majority Leader Peterson.
- On a weekly basis, when the Legislature is in session, amount of time he spends out there every day.
- From whom does he get his direction on issues to be addressed and positions to be taken.
- Past accomplishments of the State Chamber in so far as Legislative action is concerned.
- What Oklahoma business owners or ordinary citizens can do to help the State Chamber's goal of advancing business in Oklahoma.
Jim Dunlap, Kent Meyers