"A Look Into the Insurance Department" was first aired on Sunday April 8th 2012. Our Guest was John Doak, Insurance Commissioner, State of Oklahoma. Our topics included:- His adjustment to his service as Insurance Commissioner.
- The Supreme Court recent arguments regarding the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the Oklahoma Legislature has adopted a wait-and-see approach to this policy, what his office is doing to prepare our state.
- His administration has been known for travelling the state of Oklahoma and visiting with local officials, insurance agents and citizens, why this has been such a cornerstone during his tenure of office.
- Initiatives his office has spearheaded during his first year of office.
- The 2012 Governor’s Budget Book stated that the Oklahoma Insurance Department generated a savings of over $670,000 in 2011, steps his office took to accomplish these savings.
- The 2012 National Tornado Preparedness Summit recently concluded in Oklahoma City, the impetus for creating that event.
- His office announced its intentions to hold another conference in 2013, what he has planned for the next year.
- Recently, newspapers have indicated an uptick in fraudulent and white-collar crime within Oklahoma, actions his office has taken to combat criminal activity.
- The Oklahoma Insurance Department is currently seeking to go non-appropriated with SB 1511, how his office generates revenue and why his agency is seeking to go without state funding.
- The OID’s 2012 Domestic Conference is scheduled for April 23, what this event hopes to accomplish.
- How his office protects Oklahoma citizens and what insurance consumers should expect in 2012 from his office.