"Hunger in Oklahoma" was first aired on Sunday April 1st 2012. Our Guests were Rodney W. Bivens, Executive Director, Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma and Teresa M. Rose, Director – Community Relations, Chesapeake Energy Corp.. Our topics included:- The mission of the Food Bank.
- How pervasive hunger is in Oklahoma.
- Geographic dimensions of the Regional Food Bank's region.
- Teresa's position with Chesapeake and the connection Chesapeake has with the Food Bank.
- Who the Food Bank serves and how they get it accomplished.
- Location of the facilities.
- Approximate number of meals served in a year.
- "Food for Kids Backpack Program – its success.
- The School Pantry Program
- Chesapeake's involvement with the Food Bank beyond the Million Dollar Match Program
- Why Chesapeake is interested in trying to help the Food Bank
- Three things the Regional Food Bank always needs (friends, food and funds)
- How volunteers can help
Rodney Bivens, Mick Cornett, Teresa Rose