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"OERB Update" was first aired on Sunday March 25th 2012. Our Guests were Mindy Stitt, Executive Director, OERB and Pete Brown, Chair of Public Education Committee, OERB.

Our topics included:
  1. Mindy talks about her beginnings with OERB since it began in 1994. Where the idea to begin the OERB came from.
  2. How Pete became involved with OERB.
  3. Pete was a past President of the Oklahoma Independent Petroleum Association, discusses its mission.
  4. New ad campaign that tells the student education story.
  5. Hydraulic fracturing - that is addressed on the OERB webpage and why.
  6. Well-site safety.
  7. Why gas prices are so high today and how the pricing of gasoline works.
  8. Governor Fallin's push to use natural gas as a transportation fuel and how that could help all of us.
  9. Legislative issues nationally or locally that will impact the industry.
  10. Update on number of sites cleaned up by OERB at no cost to the taxpayer.
  11. OERB and the work it does here in Oklahoma.

Pete Brown, Mick Cornett, Mindy Stitt