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"What's New on the Farm" was first aired on Sunday February 26th 2012. Our Guest was Monica Wilke, Executive Director, Oklahoma Farm Bureau.

Our topics included:
  1. The Farm Bureau Organization, how it started and where it is today.
  2. Where she envisions it being in the future.
  3. Monica's journey in being named to lead Oklahoma Farm Bureau.
  4. Life experiences that led her to this role.
  5. Importance of its grassroots policy process.
  6. What is meant by their "collective voice in promoting and protecting the agricultural community in Oklahoma".
  7. Role the Bureau plays in shaping policy that becomes law in Oklahoma.
  8. The voices at the state capitol of the Bureau.
  9. Core initiatives it has developed to promote agriculture.
  10. Legal Foundation.
  11. Oklahoma Ag Fund.
  12. Role the FARM Foundation plays.
  13. How the Bureau ranks in size among Oklahoma based insurance companies.

Monica Wilke, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers