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"The Trial Lawyers Are Coming! - Show 1" was first aired on Sunday April 7th 2002. Our Guests were James M. Sturdivant, Attorney at Law and Patrick Carr, Attorney at Law.

Our topics included:
  1. What does the term Trial Lawyer mean?
  2. Is the perception of Trial Lawyers depicted by television a fair and accurate portrayal?
  3. The jury system in this country is under attack. How has Carr & Carr been involved in preserving the jury system?
  4. Part of the jury system results in punitive damages awards. What are punitive damages?
  5. Tort Reform at the local state and the national level; what is it and is it needed?
  6. President Clinton had the tort reformers support, while Bush does not want their support? Are most tort reformers Republicans?
  7. Is it appropriate for Trial Lawyers to be active politically or use their position to push certain issues?
  8. Is the Judicial system out of control, does it need fixed?

Sturdivant, Meyers, Blankenship, Cornett, Carr