"What's News at Langston University" was first aired on Sunday November 27th 2011. Our Guest was Henry Ponder, PhD, Interim President, Langston University. Our topics included:- How his experiences as President of Talladega College, Benedict College and Fisk University will help him as interim President of Langston
- As a Langston graduate, how it felt to be asked to come back as interim President
- What he feels is important to Langston University
- Langston University – Tulsa, what it is and the role it plays
- Predominant areas of academic interest pursued by the students at Langston
- Approximate combined enrollment of Langston and Langston – Tulsa
- Plans Langston has for expanding its facilities or curriculum
- Faculty at Langston University
- His relationship with Currie Ballard who recently appeared on The Verdict
- His expectation about the search for a new President of Langston – length of time it will take and the forum being used
- Message to the viewers about what they should know and understand about Langston University
- How to get involved to help Langston and what is needed
Kent Meyers, Henry Ponder