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"Meet the New Corporation Commissioner" was first aired on Sunday November 20th 2011. Our Guest was Patrice Douglas, Commissioner, Oklahoma Corporation Commission.

Our topics included:
  1. Difficulty of moving from position of Mayor to the Corporation Commission.
  2. How her experiences as a lawyer, banker and public servant will help her in her new position as a Corporation Commissioner
  3. As a Mayor she was you were successful in integrating cooperation between the public and private sector for advancement, how she plans to bring those same skills to the Corporation Commission
  4. Surprises, revelations or experiences that she didn't expect since being sworn in as a Commissioner
  5. She was appointed by Governor Fallin to fill the unexpired term of Jeff Cloud, her plans to run for a full 6-year term
  6. What she hopes to accomplish in her first year as a Commissioner
  7. Potential changes in staff members

Kent Meyers and Patrice Douglas