"Predatory Lending" was first aired on Sunday March 17th 2002. Our Guests were Myrna Kay Smith, Representative of the Oklahoma Bankers Association and Honorable Opio Toure, House of Representatives. Our topics included:- What is Predatory Lending?
- How widespread is Predatory Lending in Oklahoma?
- Subprime Lending and Predatory Lending; what is the difference?
- In the general population , who is affected by Predatory Lending?
- Are Predatory Lending practices regulated in the same ways as State and National Banks?
- If regulations were leveled against Predatory Lenders, would the illegal aspects of Predatory Lending stop?
- Is Predatory Lending happening in other states besides Oklahoma?
- We have gone through a period of some of the lowest home mortgage rates. Is this the same as loan flipping?
- How does Predatory Lenders make their money?
- Bill 2144 - does it cover only Predatory Lending or does it also apply to banks?
- If this Bill passes, will we need new Regulators to enforce it?
Smith, Meyers, Blankenship, Cornett, Toure