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"Meet the President of OSU-OKC" was first aired on Sunday August 21st 2011. Our Guest was Natalie Shirley, President, OSU-OKC.

Our topics included:
  1. Adjustment to her relatively new position as President of OSU, Oklahoma City
  2. After running a large company and then leading a state agency as Cabinet Secretary for Gov Henry, what captured her interest about OSU-OKC
  3. How OSU-OKC got started
  4. Challenges she has faced in the relatively short time she has been President
  5. Enrollment and faculty.
  6. New and exciting things happening on campus
  7. Value proposition at OSU-OKC?
  8. Demographics of OSU-OKC's student population and who the school serves
  9. Major programs most students take advantage of at OSU-OKC
  10. Plans to add new programs
  11. What can be expected from OSU-OKC in the future
  12. OKCEO and her involvement in the program
  13. Upcoming program

Natalie Shirley, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers