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"Meet the New State Treasurer" was first aired on Sunday April 3rd 2011. Our Guest was Ken Miller, Treasurer, State of Oklahoma.

Our topics included:
  1. Discuss the statewide campaign
  2. The switch from coming from a non-political background running for a statewide office; from the classroom to the Town Hall Meeting.
  3. His first few weeks in office.
  4. Budget situation this year that he has inherited.
  5. How precise can the estimates be of revenue.
  6. Effect of high gasoline prices in Oklahoma on the state revenue or state expenses.
  7. Transition from the prior State Treasurer, Scott Meacham, to his leadership.
  8. Advisory committee he recently formed.
  9. As he progresses in learning the duties of the State Treasurer, does he anticipate any major changes in the way his office functions.
  10. Looking at upcoming revenue, are we getting close to being out of the woods.

Ken Miller, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers