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"Stop Bullying Now!" was first aired on Sunday February 27th 2011. Our Guest was Gayle Jones, Director, Office of Innovation, Support & Alternative Education, Oklahoma Department of Education.

Our topics included:
  1. Stopping bullying in our schools.
  2. Gayle Jones talks about her background and how it equips her for dealing with this serious issue.
  3. Defines the scope of the problem.
  4. Bullying has been around for as long as we have been keeping track of such things, has the problem expanded or gotten worse, or have we just now started paying more attention to it?
  5. Discuss recent public incidents that have drawn our attention to bullying.
  6. Bullying appears to be present at all levels from the earliest days of kindergarten through college.
  7. What is the best level to address it?
  8. Bullying situation in Oklahoma. Is it better or worse than other areas of the country and how we judge that.
  9. Plans for trying to stop bullying – and how we can do it.
  10. In the common education context, importance of the parents/caregivers in this effort.
  11. What she foresees taking place in Oklahoma in the next five years in this regard.
  13. 1-877-SAFECAL(L)

Gayle Jones, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers