"Meet Robert Alexander" was first aired on Sunday January 9th 2011. Our Guest was Robert H. Alexander, Jr., Attorney. Our topics included:- His Oklahoma roots.
- His mother's influence on his life both early on and now.
- His practice in Oklahoma and his firm.
- His recent establishment of a $100,000 endowment in the name of Harvard Law School Vice Dean William Bruce at the University of Oklahoma College of Law.
- Where the nickname "Flash" came from.
- Progress in a diversity area in the practice of law.
- Other things we could and should be doing to accelerate that progress.
- The practice of law in Oklahoma as he sees it and the pluses and minuses.
- "When your company faces its biggest challenge, will you want to select to defend you 100 kittens or 1 tiger.
Robert Alexander, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers