"What's New With Kids" was first aired on Sunday November 28th 2010. Our Guest was Linda Terrell, Executive Director, Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy. Our topics included:- What the Oklahoma Institute for Child Advocacy is and its mission
- Past major accomplishments which OICA was involved in
- OICA's plans for the upcoming session – issues that are likely to be near the top of its agenda
- Kids Count – what this publication tells us about how things are going in Oklahoma with children
- Is the progress positive in all areas of the state or are some areas doing better than others
- Any major revisions to the Children's Code (Title 10) enacted this last session that make significant improvements in how the Juvenile Justice system is administered
- Further changes OICA would like to see occur
- Her prognosis for the fate of abused and deprived children in Oklahoma
- Is Oklahoma doing enough
- Is there enough money
- Should we be doing more and, if so, how
Linda Terrell, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers