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"Candidate Jari Askins" was first aired on Sunday October 10th 2010. Our Guest was Jari Askins, Democratic Candidate for Governor. Our topics included:- Lt. Governor Askins discusses how the campaign is going
- What the voters in the State are most interested in from the standpoint of the Governor's race
- How her campaign is being received by the voters
- Oklahoma's Centennial Song, "Oklahoma Rising", and what effect it had on her
- She lists education as a priority for her campaign for Governor, what she would want to do about education that is not being done currently
- Where she stands on healthcare issues in Oklahoma and nationally
- Discuss the energy industry in Oklahoma and what needs to be done to protect it
- Leadership skills she thinks the Governor's office needs and why she can provide them
- What the effect would be on the Governor's office if she were elected and she were having to deal with the republican control of the House and the Senate
- Why the people should elect her
Jari Askins, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers