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"Fighting Terrorism - Part I" was first aired on Sunday February 10th 2002. Our Guests were Kenneth J. Levit, President, University of Oklahoma - Tulsa and Dr. Leslie Beitsch, Commissioner, Department of Health.

Our topics included:
  1. What is the Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF)?
  2. Mr. Levit - you were with the CIA for a while. Did that experience help you in your position with the HSTF?
  3. Did you know about Osama Bin Laden before September 11, 2001?
  4. Is Bin Laden still alive?
  5. Dr. Beitsch - currently what are you working on in your capacity with the Governor's Security Task Force?
  6. What level of security preparedness is Oklahoma at?
  7. What obstacles are you both running into when sharing information?
  8. Dr. Beitsch, who do you report to?
  9. American Universities are educating students from the Middle East. Should we still do this?
  10. We read recently about a Terrorist being given a ticket on I-40 in Oklahoma City. If we had digitized licenses, could this possibly have prevented the 9-11 attack?
  11. In the fight against terrorism, are we infringing on certain people's rights?

Dr. Beitsch, Meyers, Blankenship, Cornett, Levit