"Fighting Terrorism - Part I" was first aired on Sunday February 10th 2002. Our Guests were Kenneth J. Levit, President, University of Oklahoma - Tulsa and Dr. Leslie Beitsch, Commissioner, Department of Health. Our topics included:- What is the Homeland Security Task Force (HSTF)?
- Mr. Levit - you were with the CIA for a while. Did that experience help you in your position with the HSTF?
- Did you know about Osama Bin Laden before September 11, 2001?
- Is Bin Laden still alive?
- Dr. Beitsch - currently what are you working on in your capacity with the Governor's Security Task Force?
- What level of security preparedness is Oklahoma at?
- What obstacles are you both running into when sharing information?
- Dr. Beitsch, who do you report to?
- American Universities are educating students from the Middle East. Should we still do this?
- We read recently about a Terrorist being given a ticket on I-40 in Oklahoma City. If we had digitized licenses, could this possibly have prevented the 9-11 attack?
- In the fight against terrorism, are we infringing on certain people's rights?
Dr. Beitsch, Meyers, Blankenship, Cornett, Levit