"Reminiscences of the Outgoing State Treasurer" was first aired on Sunday October 24th 2010. Our Guest was Scott Meacham, State Treasurer of Oklahoma. Our topics included:- His past almost eight years of government service - how he found it and what he learned.
- His negotiations with the Legislature for the Governor on budget matters and other issues.
- How his banking and legal background prepared him for his State Treasurer's duties.
- What he sees as his biggest accomplishment as State Treasurer.
- What he sees as something he would like to have accomplished but was not able to do.
- Is Oklahoma coming out of the recession faster than the Nation as a whole?
- How he sees the budget process for this next fiscal year for the State of Oklahoma.
- What's ahead for Scott Meacham.
Scott Meacham, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers