"Hail to the Chief!" was first aired on Sunday July 18th 2010. Our Guest was James E. Edmondson, Chief Justice, Oklahoma Supreme Court. Our topics included:- Update on Supreme Court
- How the Chief Justice is selected and what kind of term he/she serves
- How Supreme Court Justices are selected by the people. Any particular qualifications to be on the Supreme Court that are different from other judicial positions
- Discuss the Court’s current workload. The Constitution provides for 9 Justices, is that enough to handle the work that comes to the Court
- As Chief Justice, additional duties he has that he didn’t have when he was merely a Justice
- How do he interacts with the Court of Criminal Appeals which is the highest appellate court dealing with matters that involve criminal law
- How cases areassigned to Justices for handling
- Number of times a year the Court hears oral argument and on what kinds of cases
- How the recession has affected the work of the Court
- Any structural changes he would like to see take place at the Supreme Court level
- Status of their new building
- Biggest challenge facing the Court in the next decade
Chief Justice Edmondson, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers