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"A Visit with the Mayor of Oklahoma City" was first aired on Sunday March 7th 2010. Our Guest was Mick Cornett. Our topics included:- How 2009 was for the City of Oklahoma City.
- Major steps forward that he can identify.
- Importance of MAPS 3 to the development of Oklahoma City.
- Major projects identified so far as being a part of MAPS 3.
- Oklahoma City's economy and the provision of necessary services to the citizens.
- State of the Union Address and his appearance – the whole experience and security.
- Update on Oklahoma City being on a diet program.
- Hockey in Oklahoma City and how it came about.
- What he thinks the long-term implications will be.
- Thunder in Oklahoma City and it's impact.
- Major challenges for Oklahoma City in the next decade.
 Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers