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"Tightening the Higher Education Belt" was first aired on Sunday February 28th 2010. Our Guest was Glen Johnson, Chancellor, Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Our topics included:
  1. What Higher Education is doing to tighten its belt
  2. Kind of protection they have that the reduction of expenses won't affect the quality of the learning environment
  3. How that has been accomplished
  4. Mission of the Regents for Higher Education to be good steward over the education dollar
  5. Fiscal year 2011 appropriations request
  6. Growth he sees in the world of higher education in the near term
  7. Affordability of Oklahoma colleges compared to those of other states
  8. Enrollment during current recession, increasing or decreasing
  9. Impact on Oklahoma's economy higher education has
  10. How well we are retaining our graduates and importance of this
  11. Principle challenges to higher education in the next five to ten years
  12. Number of education institutions we have per capita, positive or negative

Glen Johnson and Kent Meyers