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"I Can't Hear You!" was first aired on Sunday January 3rd 2010. Our Guest was Dr. Richard Kopke, M.D., Hough Ear Institute.

Our topics included:
  1. His specialized training in problems of the ear
  2. Hough Ear Institute, what it does and how it does it
  3. How loud sounds permanently damage the ear
  4. Upsurge in younger patients with hearing loss that is permanent and what principle causes of this
  5. Ways a parent or grandparent can determine whether or not a young person who is listening with ear phones at a level that may cause damage
  6. Other daily activities we are being exposed to now that can cause permanent hearing loss to any of us and how it should be dealt with
  7. Recommendation for periodic hearing tests and why it is important
  8. Advances or devices or medical breakthroughs that are allowing those who are deaf to be able to hear

Dr. Kopke, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers