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"A Well Preserved Life" was first aired on Sunday July 26th 2009. Our Guest was Eunice Khoury, Independent Insurance Agent.

Our topics included:
  1. She specializes in retirement issues such as Medicare, long-term care and preserving her clients' assets, why she decided to target that market.
  2. Shares story of her move from Arkansas which gave her the passion to make sure retirees know they have options.
  3. What is the use of the phrase "Well-preserved".
  4. Discuss her radio show on KTOK every Saturday.
  5. Discuss President Obama's proposals for changes in the healthcare system, her thoughts on the need.
  6. How it would affect most of her clients should the proposals that are being discussed be implemented.
  7. Advice she has for seniors insofar as managing their healthcare assets, etc.
  8. Types of prior planning they should engage in.
  9. Pending changes in the makeup of the "senior citizens" we should expect in this country in the next decade.

Eunice Khoury, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers