"The Hope for Clean Air" was first aired on Sunday July 19th 2009. Our Guests were Miles Tolbert, Attorney and Douglas Rex, Director, Assoc. of Central OK Governments' Transp. Planning & Data Services Division. Our topics included:- Discuss the June 17th Clean Air Forum that was held at Oklahoma Christian University.
- How Central Oklahoma is doing on its compliance with the Federal Air Quality Requirements.
- What is meant by "non-attainment area" and what that portends.
- If we slip into a non-attainment mode, how hard it is to get out.
- The Central Oklahoma Regional Advocacy Alliance.
- Miles, discusses how his experience as Secretary of the Environment under Governor Henry and your practice in this area equips him to work on solutions.
- Doug, discusses the role of ACOG (Association of Central Oklahoma Government Agencies) in the matter of clean air.
- How concerned the business community should be.
- What our viewers expect in the next 5-10 years in relation to clean air.
Miles Tolbert, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Douglas Rex