"Prosecutorial Misconduct" was first aired on Sunday May 31st 2009. Our Guests were David Prater, District Attorney, Oklahoma County and Robert McCampbell, Attorney. Our topics included:- Update on Robert, since leaving the U.S. Attorney's office
- Update from David on the District Attorney's office
- Explanation of the Behenna case - what it is about
- What should be done in the Behenna case
- Discuss prosecutorial misconduct in general, how frequent it occurs or is it mostly alleged to happen by disappointed Defendants
- What a prosecutor should do when the prosecutor finds out that a witness has testified (either accidentally or intentionally) in error
- Training, if any, Robert received as a U.S. Attorney to handle such matters
- Experience David has had handling such matters
- How we can diminish the instances of prosecutorial misconduct
David Prater, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers, Robert McCampbell