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"How's Your Health" was first aired on Sunday May 10th 2009. Our Guest was Joe Ferretti, Senior Vice President and Provost, OU Health Sciences Center.

Our topics included:
  1. What he has been doing since his last appearance.
  2. Update on brick and mortar activities at the campus.
  3. Discuss the various colleges and their growth.
  4. Major colleges and departments at the Health Sciences Center and what of interest is going on in each.
  5. New academic programs that have been introduced or are about to be introduced.
  6. Economic downturn's effect on the funding for research by their institution.
  7. Impact the Obama administration's policy dealing with stem cell research will have on their work being done.
  8. How he sees the face of the Health Sciences Center changing in the next 5-10 years from the standpoint of programs or size.

Dr. Ferretti, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers