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"What's Going on at the OERB?" was first aired on Sunday February 8th 2009. Our Guest was Dewey Bartlett, Jr., Oklahoma Energy Resources Board.

Our topics included:
  1. Discuss the oil and gas industry generally, what accounts for the wild market swings on the price of oil and natural gas and how it is affecting Oklahoma.
  2. What he expects we should see in the next year in relation to pricing.
  3. Discuss OERB - how their current projects are progressing - number of sights they have cleaned up to date.
  4. Is there a point they will reach an end to cleaning up old well sites.
  5. Are they being cleaned up today as they are finished so OERB's work will not be necessary for the new well sites.
  6. How the job market is in the industry now.
  7. What OERB is doing about career scholarships.
  8. Their program for educators in the schools.
  9. Is their membership continuing to contribute as it has in the past to the work of OERB.
  10. Facts that would be of interest to viewers that demonstrate how important the oil and gas industry is to Oklahoma's economy.

Dewey Bartlett, Jr., Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers