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"An Update on State Finance" was first aired on Sunday January 18th 2009. Our Guest was Scott Meacham, Oklahoma State Treasurer.

Our topics included:
  1. Discuss how things are in the State Treasurer's office.
  2. Budget estimates and effect the economy will have on the amount of money available to spend.
  3. Areas that will remain strong and areas that will suffer from a revenue standpoint.
  4. His prognosis of what this next year is going to be like financially.
  5. The price of oil going down (and gasoline), and if that generally is good or bad for State revenues.
  6. Does he see any belt-tightening at the State level and in his office this next year.
  7. The major financial issues facing the Legislature.
  8. Is it going to be necessary to invade the rainy day fund.
  9. His plans for future service to the State - thoughts about the Governor's office.

Scott Meacham, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers