"Burns Hargis the President" was first aired on Sunday October 19th 2008. Our Guest was V. Burns Hargis, President, Oklahoma State University. Our topics included:- His thoughts about being a University President, his decision to accept the position, and feelings on the job since he has started work
- As a former lawyer, banker and TV talk show how, which of these experiences helps him the most now
- Ann's feelings about being the First Cowgirl at OSU
- How he and Ann find the energy to meet the demands to meet students, faculty, donors, alumni, legislators, the media, and others
- Importance of his meeting with a lot of students and having hamburgers with groups and students at the Union and why he does it
- What OSU meant to him when he was a student
- Why he selected OSU
- Advice to prospective students and their parents about why to choose OSU
- What today's student should gain from their time at OSU
- What he hopes to accomplish in his time at OSU
 Burns Hargis, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers