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"Hospitals Today and Tomorrow" was first aired on Sunday August 3rd 2008. Our Guest was Craig Jones, President, Oklahoma Hospital Association.

Our topics included:
  1. Discuss the Oklahoma Hospital Association - what it does, its members and its mission
  2. Trends in healthcare
  3. Transparency on price and quality for consumers - is there competition for the business of the consumer
  4. Discuss electronic exchange of health information
  5. Explain "never events"
  6. Challenges for its members in dealing with the Oklahoma Legislature in regard to the budget
  7. How term limits have impacted education on healthcare issues
  8. Discuss the immigration debate as it relates to healthcare
  9. Discuss rural EMS issues
  10. Discuss the difference between the positions of Senator Obama and Senator McCain on healthcare
  11. Major changes he sees in healthcare coming in the next decade

Craig Jones, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers