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"A Visit With the Lieutenant Governor" was first aired on Sunday March 23rd 2008. Our Guest was Jari Askins, Lieutenant Governor, State of Oklahoma.

Our topics included:
  1. Update on how things have been going this year
  2. Explain the tie she recently broke in the Senate, and what it was about
  3. Askins Commission on Children - recommendations it has come up with so far
  4. Kate Bernard Award - what it is
  5. What she is doing as Chair of the Tourism Commission
  6. Her thoughts about the Governor's comments in the State of the State address that education and children are the State's top priorities -what it will mean specifically insofar as improvements are concerned
  7. Importance of the EDGE Endowment and Opportunity Fund to Oklahoma economy
  8. Under funded teacher retirement system

Jari Askins, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers