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"What's Happening at the Oklahoma Securities Commission" was first aired on Sunday July 8th 2007. Our Guest was Irving Faught, Administrator, Oklahoma Securities Commission.

Our topics included:
  1. How he likes being Administrator of the Securities Commission now that he has done it for a number of years
  2. Department's mission, size, location, etc.
  3. Discuss the Invest Ed Program
  5. Feedback he is getting about this program
  6. How he was able to get Rex Linn to be the spokesperson
  7. Whether the state of the economy has anything to do with the number of ponzi schemes on the market at any given time
  8. Does Oklahoma get more than its fair share of stock swindlers
  9. Affect the internet has had on his enforcement activities
  10. Number of investment opportunities made available over the internet
  11. How the Securities Commission will be different ten years from now than it is today

Irving Faught, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers