"What's Up Barry?" was first aired on Sunday July 1st 2007. Our Guest was Barry Switzer, Former University of Oklahoma Head Football Coach. Our topics included:- What he is doing now days - what keeps him busy
- His take on coaches that change jobs for hours or a couple of days and then change their mind and try to go back to their old position
- What he thinks the upcoming season looks like for the University of Oklahoma football
- As head coach at OU for many years, without regard necessarily to winning records or national championships, his favorite team from the standpoint of the personalities of the players on the team, which one and why.
- How he explains his influence being so widespread in Oklahoma
- He has had an important hand in sports, politics, and the business community, how he explains Oklahomans from all walks of life being interested in what he thinks about what is going in Oklahoma
- Which was greater satisfaction to him personally, winning a national championship in college football or winnng the superbowl
- How he spends most of his time these days and what gets his greatest interest
- Explain the unusual relationship he had with Bob Devaney in Nebraska and how it was similar to or different to the one he had with Tom Osborne - why did the Nebraska fans liked him so much when we kept beating them
 Barry Switzer, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers