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"Climate Change - Global Warming" was first aired on Sunday February 25th 2007. Our Guest was Dr. David Karoly, Williams Chair and Professor of Meteorology School of Meteorology, National Weather Center, University of Oklahoma.

Our topics included:
  1. What he does at the National Weather Center and the University of Oklahoma
  2. Most Oklahomans are familiar with Senator Inhofe's famous quote 'greatest hoax' about climate change - global warming, His response to that
  3. General overview of the problem
  4. What is actually happening in regard to climate change - global warming now
  5. What are the principal causes of this
  6. What about the scientific studies going on at the present time and the part he plays
  7. Are there solutions being suggested to reverse this trend and how practical are the solutions
  8. Will we see the effects of climate change - global warming in our lifetime - how will it be manifested
  9. What kind of change will come to Oklahoma because of this phenomenon
  10. His prediction for what the climate will be like in the world and in Oklahoma 50 years from now