"What's Going on at the Bank" was first aired on Sunday January 28th 2007. Our Guest was Roger M. Beverage, President & CEO, Oklahoma Bankers Association. Our topics included:- Discussion about the Oklahoma Banker's Association, its membership and purpose
- Do Banks in Oklahoma have to become members of the Oklahoma Banker's Association or is this something that they choose to do
- Major Legislative initiatives the Banker's Association will be supporting in this 2007 session of the Legislature
- Banker's Association's position on Banks as realtors
- Why this expansion should be allowed
- Danger in spreading Banks too thin and taking them away from the purpose for which they were formed
- How the consumer will be helped by this
- Other areas of service to the community Banks have recently become involved in (insurance, etc.)
- The Association's position on retailers such as Wal-Mart offering banking services in their super centers
- Kind of consumer goods and services we can reasonably expect to be available at our local bank in the future
 Roger Beverage, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers