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"The Upcoming Legislative Session" was first aired on Sunday December 10th 2006. Our Guest was The Honorable Glenn Coffee, Oklahoma State Senate, Dist. 30.

Our topics included:
  1. Discuss several of the races he thought to be most interesting and significant
  2. Considering the makeup of the Senate, how he sees it functioning differently from last term - what about the impact of the Lt. Governor's election
  3. The major issues he sees coming before the Senate/Legislature beginning in January: Tort Reform; Tax relief; Immigration issues; Others
  4. Possibility of a bipartisanship or stalemate
  5. Affect the national unpopularity of Bush and the War in Iraq had on Oklahoma elections if any
  6. Possibility of seeing more vetoes in the upcoming session than we have in the past

Senator Coffee, Mick Cornett, Kent Meyers