"The Justice System: Have the Wheels Come Off?" was first aired on Sunday June 3rd 2001. Our Guests were Drew Edmondson, State Attorney General and Robert Ravitz, Attorney. Our topics included:- The FBI error on the Timothy McVeigh records, the Joyce Gilchrist Crime Lab botches; we daily are hearing revelations that are shaking the Public's confidence. Have the wheels come off?
- What can we do to improve the effectiveness of Investigators, Police and FBI?
- Have the problems just started?
- What steps can we take to tighten up the system?
- Nationwide 37% of convictions in Death Penalty cases are reversed because of incompetent defense cousel, what do you think about this?
- A brand new Lawyer, one who has never tried a case, should he be allowed to immediately try Capitol cases?
- What should we do about tightening up on Crime Labs?
Edmondson and Ravitz discuss the FBI errors