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"What's Going on in Tulsa" was first aired on Sunday August 27th 2006. Our Guest was Steve Turnbo, Chairman of the Board, Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.

Our topics included:
  1. His work outside Chamber duties.
  2. Duties as the Chairman of Tulsa Chamber of Commerce.
  3. Major things going on in Tulsa.
  4. Impact of the election of Mayor Kathy Taylor.
  5. Intra-commission squabbles.
  6. New public facilities going up or on the drawing board and what can Tulsans expect.
  7. Main statewide legislation priorities for Tulsa Chamber.
  8. Relationship between Tulsa and University of Tulsa.
  9. How Tulsa will be different 10 years from now.

Stewart Meyers, Kent Meyers, Steve Turnbo