"The New Prosecutors in Town" was first aired on Sunday September 30th 2001. Our Guests were Robert McCampbell, United States District Attorney and Wes Lane, Oklahoma County District Attorney. Our topics included:- Robert, please explain the appointment process to become the U. S. Attorney.
- Robert, what is the term of this position?
- Robert, as the U.S. Attorney, you have 38 Lawyers in your office. Who are the rest of your staff comprised of?
- Robert, what is the Western District? What area does it emcompass?
- Wes, as District Attorney you have 54 Lawyers in your office. Who are the rest of your staff comprised of?
- Wes, remind us how you became District Attorney.
- Wes, since your are taking over Bob Macy's position as District Attorney, how long will you serve?
- Robert and Wes, what Prosecutorial Discretion do you have?
- Robert, if you turn down a prosecution, are there any consequences?
- Robert and Wes, should we judge our Prosecutors by their winning percentages?
- Wes, how are you going to address the public's concern about Crime Lab problems and evidence (example - Joyce Gilchrist situation)?
- Robert, on the Terry Nichols case we saw the FBI's mishandling of documents. How are you going to prevent another similiar mistake from happening?
- Robert, what things is your office doing as a way to prevent crimes from happening?
- Robert and Wes, a person commits a crime in Oklahoma County that violates both Federal and State Laws, how does the U.S. and District offices confer on the matter?
- Robert and Wes, what do you have planned to do for Oklahoma County while you are in office?
Wes Lane, Larry Blankenship, Kent Meyers, Mick Cornett, Robert McCampbell